By Yonugggaming on JULY 10, 2023
Reviewed on PSVR2
C-Smash is simply fun! It fuses the best of racket sports - squash, tennis, racket, paddle ball and beyond - into a cosmic physical experience. What VR Was Born to Be. The moment you load into C-Smash it pulls you in with a warm embrace of familiarity as you traverse into a beautiful intergalactic world. Everything about this atmosphere feels perfectly crafted from the backgrounds to soundtracks. I was honestly surprised with the graphics, despite being set in space this game is surprisingly vibrant , with a lively open world. Throughout the world you'll see C Smash Astronauts , who honestly remind me more so of Despicable Me’s minions, doing various random silly tasks that really makes C smash feel more lively.
As far as the gameplay C Smash feels smooth, responsive, and flows quite well with the PSVR2 haptics. I never thought a tennis game would hold my attention but I found myself getting immersed in the game, losing track of time and smacking my ceiling fan as I tried to hit the balls that would occasionally go over my head. The single player mode is straightforward; you complete various levels and there’s even some epic boss fight sequences that I won’t spoil. Where this game won me over was the multiplayer. I jumped in with a buddy and we have been hooked ever since. Each of the four modes are unique in their own way but we found most enjoyment in “bodyshot”a head to head mode where the objective is to hit your opponent with the ball. The other modes consist of Head-to-Head, where players compete to hit the most panels; Firewall, a Domination-like mode where you tag and hold zones to accumulate points,and Quickshot, which has players racing to see who can hit panels first.
C smash has been one of the most fun experiences that I’ve experienced on the PSVR2. The minimalist style, vibrant atmosphere , responsive haptics all forge together to make an impressive game. Whether you are adventuring out in the single player destinations or competing against friends in multiplayer this game is guaranteed to be a “C-Smash Hit”
We give it a taco rating of 4 out 5 Tacos!